Hi, I've created a small framework I dubbed Virtual DataBase (VDB) which is in actuality a set of three classes which handle tables of data. table<DataT> Manages a random number of records of type DataT, including all memory management. view<DataT> Manages a sorted and/or filtered view of the records in a table. The filter and sort algorithms are supplied through functions or functors and is quite fast (though there's still room for improvement). tracker<DataT> Tracks a single record in a table. If the record is deleted, the tracker becomes invalid. That's basically it. It's built to be generic, simple and reusable. What are the chances of such a framework finding a place in the large Boost library? Currently everything seems to be working based on simple testcases but I'm still working on creating detailed testcases (using my own "Testkit" framework). regards, Martijn van der Lee