Hi Jürgen, it eventually turned out that the sources were corrupted. However, after a new download the DOS console still complained with different errors so I followed your advice to compile it with msys and this worked out fine (in fact it is not the first time that msys does the best job with ported projects). Thanks for your hint, best Alex P.S.: I might encounter further WIN-related issues (because I so far consciously avoided this world ☺ ) so I might get back here and there ;-) -- >>Yes, Windows is harder than the other two. As usual ;-) >> Well, with which MinWG actually? There are several versions out there. The MinGW-Installtion-Manager tells: MinGW32-gcc – Version 4.9.3-1 (the latest one I could get) >>Which error messages? When using the DOS shell I get this: C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\jazzalex\boost_1_61_0>bootstrap.bat mingw Building Boost.Build engine Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. Der Befehl ".\build.bat" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden. Failed to build Boost.Build engine. Please consult bootstrap.log for further diagnostics. >>I usually advise to use MinGW-w64 and/or MSys2. If possible I would like to stick tot he current setup and change in case we won’t success. > but it does not contain further info how (and where) to add additional info > (I added c:\MinGW\bin to my PATH but it didn’t help). >>Please provide error messages, commandline invocations and the generated >>project-config.jam The bootstrap.log contains this: ./bootstrap.sh: line 226: cd: ./tools/build/src/engine: No such file or directory Does this give a better impression of what’s going on ? Thanks a lot in advance (1000 Dank ;-) ), regards Alex