Hi, I have implemented timers for library Boost Statechart. It was tested only on Linux because it uses POSIX threads. It is extension that replaces fifo_scheduler and fifo_worker with only one class Scheduler. That means that it is suitable only for asynchronous state machines. The source codes with example and short description can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubtep8f7hs6g5xl/boostTimers.tar.gz I would like to also inform you about new version of Boost Statechart viewer. Now it is plugin for compiler Clang and it was tested vitw version 3.0 and higher - (mostly tested using version 3.1). You can find more information and news about it on the web page of this project where you can also download the source codes and see some examples of the output pictures. http://rtime.felk.cvut.cz/statechart-viewer/ Best regards Petr