I want to use asio library for my serial communication module but I'm having trouble on asynchronous functionality.
In the following code block, I wanted to read 5 bytes from the first serial port of my computer in 10 seconds. But none of the handler functions were called. Firstly I waited not inputing any bytes but timer did not call wait_handler. Secondly I sent 5 bytes in 10 seconds from the other computer but read_handler was not called.
I could read the bytes using synchronous functions like read function, I mean there is nothing wrong with the communication.
I tried this code both on a Windows and a Linux host but results were the same..
Can you please check what can be wrong with the following code?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::asio;
using namespace boost::system;
using namespace boost::posix_time;
struct wait_handler {
void operator()(const error_code& ec){
cout << "Timeout!" << endl;
struct read_handler {
void operator()(const error_code& ec, size_t bytes_transferred) {
cout << "Data read!" << endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char read_msg_[5];
io_service io;
serial_port theport(io, "com1");
deadline_timer * timer = new deadline_timer(io);
wait_handler whandler;
read_handler rhandler;
async_read(theport, buffer(read_msg_, 5), rhandler);
Sleep(30000); //30 seconds
return 0;
Best Regards,
Gözde Bahar Koş
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