Hi guys, I'm investigating a [bug](https://github.com/scylladb/scylla/issues/2905) in the Seastar/lexical_cast and I got stuck. Let me introduce what's going on and the further investigation that I did. The Seastar framework uses the boost program options to parse the command line arguments. But when the user try to pass a command line argument of seastar::sstring (Seastar string type) with a white space, the lib tells us that is invalid value. Turns out the boost program options call lexical_cast to cast from std::string to seastar::sstring. This cast is failing. The lexical_cast uses a stream to extract the value from the source, but the operator>> stops in the white space. Making the second validation in the same [line](https://github.com/boostorg/lexical_cast/blob/boost-1.66.0/include/boost/lex...) false. Note, there is a [call](https://github.com/boostorg/lexical_cast/blob/boost-1.66.0/include/boost/lex...) to unsetf to ensure that the white space will be skipped: stream.unsetf(std::ios::skipws);. What's am I trying to do is figure out where the problems live? Is there a bug in boost or is a sstring implemantion problem? Am I missing something? Thanks!