gast128 wrote:
I already understood that the first time. However it takes me some time to peal of the unnessary parts to create a test case, since it happens during streaming of a date time when a facet is set. However from the Date.Time code one can clearly see that it is incorrect. This is only allowed if the specifications explicitly state that the format string may not be empty.
Yes, that definitely looks like it is wrong. Still, it would be good to have a small sample to demonstrate.
I got an error about an invalid certificate, but maybe I will give it a try.
Ah, ok, the bug repository is hosted on an https. The server's certificate has not been registered at one of the VeriSign or Thawte or other certificate authorities. If this happened at your bank or an internet shop, it would be a reason to stop. But here you just want to file a bug report. There is no risk in accepting the certificate (and your browser should offer some button to do so). Regards, Roland