On 3/08/2016 23:29, Sambeet Panigrahi wrote:
I gave the following includes #include
#include I know boost::array exists,but does boost::serialization::array exist?Because in the namespace serialization in the boost/serialization/array.hpp, I could not find such a template.
namespace boost { namespace serialization { [...] template<class T> class array_wrapper : public wrapper_traits
Looks like it's called array_wrapper instead of array in your version. Which is odd, since you claimed to be using 1.44, and these say differently: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/boost/serialization/array.hpp https://github.com/boostorg/serialization/blob/1b9dc31ba/include/boost/seria... If you obtained the Boost library from an SDK vendor instead of directly from Boost, you should probably ask them why it is different.