I have a alrge number of numeric functions (~300) overloaded on various types. What I want to do is having some automated test that check if those functions returns proper values and behave correctly in term of precision. I get a look at Boost.Test but i can't really see if it's applicable to my need and, if it is, how exactly am I supposed to generate that much test and cover all cases (random value testing, singular value test, nan/inf handling etc...). My first idea was to use Boost.preprcoessor file iteration to quickly generate BOOST_TEST_CASE functions but I'm not sure this is a scalable practice. Other point, I saw that there is check in Boost.test which check for an arbitrary precision result. However it uses raw value (like 0.001) where having a check based on ULP or RMS maybe better. Is there anyway to integrate those test using existing test framework ? Thanks in advance