I didn't know what was **R :-D**. Now I have readed some links and I have understand that RBGL is not adapt for my project (into the file zip Win Binary I have seen a ..dll file than I thought that I could use more libraries :)). My goal is to do multi minimum cuts (gomory hu tree algorithm: http://www.corelab.ntua.gr/~syrganis/sources/Gomory-Hu.pdfhttp://www.corelab.ntua.gr/%7Esyrganis/sources/Gomory-Hu.pdf). The min-cut BGL functions give out only the min-cut value, I want to know what edges were cut. Can you help me?
I won't be great help, but I can try to answer some questions about programming with the BGL. I'm still not entirely sure what you are trying to do however. It's probably worth pointing out that you don't actually need to link against the BGL. It is a header-only library, which means just #include'ing the relevant files will allow you to use them. Andrew Sutton andrew.n.sutton@gmail.com