This is rather strange. I have downloaded boost 1.66 and can build Boost.Build engine. But building the libs fails. The full output is here: https://pastebin.com/raw/mRriQDvq Here is what I'm seeing: ********************************************************************** ** Visual Studio 2017 Developer Command Prompt v15.5.2 ** Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation ********************************************************************** [vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64' C:\Users\chhenning\source>d: D:\>cd boost D:\boost>.\bootstrap.bat Building Boost.Build engine Bootstrapping is done. To build, run: .\b2 To adjust configuration, edit 'project-config.jam'. Further information: - Command line help: .\b2 --help - Getting started guide: http://boost.org/more/getting_started/windows.html - Boost.Build documentation: http://www.boost.org/build/doc/html/index.html D:\boost>b2 -j8 --toolset=msvc variant=release link=static runtime-link=shared address-model=64 define=_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE define=_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE define=_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE define=_SECURE_SCL=0 define=_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 define=BOOST_REGEX_MATCH_EXTRA stage Performing configuration checks - 32-bit : no (cached) - 64-bit : no (cached) - arm : no (cached) - mips1 : no (cached) - power : no (cached) - sparc : no (cached) - x86 : no (cached) - combined : no (cached) - symlinks supported : no (cached) - junctions supported : yes (cached) - hardlinks supported : yes (cached) error: No best alternative for libs/context/build/asm_sources next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>qcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>o32 <address-model>32 <architecture>mips1 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>o32 <address-model>32 <architecture>mips1 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32_64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>intel not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang-win not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>intel not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>intel not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>intel not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang-win not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>intel not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>x32 <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>x32 <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>x32 <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>intel not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <address-model>32_64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi not matched next alternative: required properties: <abi>sysv <architecture>combined <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi not matched - C++11 mutex : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_auto_declarations : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_constexpr : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_defaulted_functions : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_final : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_hdr_mutex : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_hdr_regex : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_hdr_tuple : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_lambdas : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_noexcept : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_nullptr : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_rvalue_references : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_template_aliases : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_thread_local : no (cached) - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_variadic_templates : no (cached) - has_icu builds : no (cached) warning: Graph library does not contain MPI-based parallel components. note: to enable them, add "using mpi ;" to your user-config.jam - zlib : no (cached) - bzip2 : no (cached) - lzma : no (cached) - iconv (libc) : no (cached) - iconv (separate) : no (cached) - icu : no (cached) - icu (lib64) : no (cached) - native-atomic-int32-supported : no (cached) - message-compiler : yes (cached) - native-syslog-supported : no (cached) - pthread-supports-robust-mutexes : no (cached) - compiler-supports-visibility : no (cached) - x86 : no (cached) - arm : no (cached) - mips1 : no (cached) - power : no (cached) - sparc : no (cached) - gcc visibility : no (cached) - long double support : no (cached) warning: skipping optional Message Passing Interface (MPI) library. note: to enable MPI support, add "using mpi ;" to user-config.jam. note: to suppress this message, pass "--without-mpi" to bjam. note: otherwise, you can safely ignore this message. - libbacktrace builds : no (cached) - addr2line builds : no (cached) - WinDbg builds : no (cached) - WinDbgCached builds : no (cached) Component configuration: - atomic : building - chrono : building - container : building - context : building - coroutine : building - date_time : building - exception : building - fiber : building - filesystem : building - graph : building - graph_parallel : building - iostreams : building - locale : building - log : building - math : building - mpi : building - program_options : building - python : building - random : building - regex : building - serialization : building - signals : building - stacktrace : building - system : building - test : building - thread : building - timer : building - type_erasure : building - wave : building ...patience... ...patience... ...patience... ...patience... ...patience... ...patience... ...found 16860 targets... ...updating 401 targets... compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.1\release\address-model-64\link-static\threadapi-win32\threading-multi\lockpool.obj 'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. call "C:\Users\CHHENN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\b2_msvc_14.1_vcvarsx86_amd64_.cmd"
nul cl /Zm800 -nologo @"bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.1\release\address-model-64\link-static\threadapi-win32\threading-multi\lockpool.obj.rsp"
...failed compile-c-c++
nul cl /Zm800 -nologo @"bin.v2\libs\system\build\msvc-14.1\release\address-model-64\link-static\threadapi-win32\threading-multi\error_code.obj.rsp"
...failed compile-c-c++