Hi, I've been tasked with trying to figure out why we are getting an error in our log file, the error is "error: End of file". I'm still fairly new to doing real-world C++ development and I struggle with understanding why the code does what it does. The errors in our log file specifically are: 2023.02.20 08:45:49.470[UTC] [19626:140486796130176] TRACE - Process::CmdRunner::AsyncReadStdout<0x7fc594013b20> len = 0 2023.02.20 08:45:49.470[UTC] [19626:140486796130176] TRACE - Process::CmdRunner::AsyncReadStdout<0x7fc594013b20> error: End of file At a high level, my understanding is that we use Boost Asio to run python scripts where our C++ process will fork a new child process to run these python scripts. What I don't understand is why the code we have like the below was chosen to implement that functionality and to handle error handling. I've looked at some Asio boost tutorials but I still have gaps between our implementation and the Boost Asio tutorials and documentation. I'm also wondering why the a_errCode == boost::asio::error::eof is not seemingly catching the end of file. The code in the method CmdRunner::AsyncReadStdout does the following: void CmdRunner::AsyncReadStdout(boost::system::error_code a_errCode, size_t a_readSize) { DoLOG(TRACE, "Process::CmdRunner::%s<%p> len = %zu", __func__, this, a_readSize); if ( a_errCode ) { DoLOG(TRACE, "Process::CmdRunner::%s<%p> error: %s", __func__, this, a_errCode.message().c_str()) } if ( a_readSize > 0 ) { DoLOG(TRACE, "Process::CmdRunner::%s<%p> - read this: %zu bytes", __func__, this, a_readSize) _stdoutBufList.Copy(_stdoutReadBuf, a_readSize); // Call user callback to push out bytes Daemon::Service::DispatchEvent([this]() { _cbHandler(_cbCtxt, false); }); } else if ( a_errCode == boost::asio::error::eof ) { // Read done, call user callback function! DoLOG(TRACE, "Process::CmdRunner::%s<%p> - Child process (%d) STDOUT reached EOF", __func__, this, _childPid) _cmdDone = _eofStdout = true; _procStdout->close(); _procStderr->close(); Daemon::Service::DispatchEvent([this]() { _cbHandler(_cbCtxt, true); }); } else { // Async-read more, until EOF seen _procStdout->async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(_stdoutReadBuf, PROC_READ_BUF_SIZE), [this](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t a_readSize) { AsyncReadStdout(ec, a_readSize); }); } } Any hints or specific links to look at to further clarify my understanding would be appreciated. Thanks! Chach Internal Use - Confidential