Stanislas RENAN
I've got a performance problem during a test I've done with multi_index on MSVC 6.0 SP 6. I'm using BOOST 1.32.0 . The search performance is comparable with several maps, but insertion is dramatically slow : 5mn 30s for 10 000 employees.
Here is my test code :
I guess here's the culprit. If you're timing the program in debug mode then the safe mode will kick in, and this is abismally slower than an unchecked STL. Apart from this, measuring things in debug mode makes little sense, so you should: 1. disable safe mode AND 2. compile in release In your particular example, release build automatically disables safe mode (because of the #if !defined(NDEBUG) directive.) I've run your program in release mode in MSVC 6.0 SP5 and my results are: Insertion multi = 62 STL = 63 Recherche multi = 297 STL = 234 Which are more reasonable. Can you reproduce these numbers? HTH Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo