I'm having a strange problem when I try to include boost::regex in my project (VC6.5 on Win2K). I'm not using Build to build a separate regex dll but rather include the source files directly in the project (or rather in a small utility static library). I've defined BOOST_REGEX_STATIC_LINK to avoid __declspec( dllimport ) / __declspec( dllexport ).
Although everything compiles just fine the linker complains that it cannot find the library boost_regex_vc6_mdsd.lib. Further investigation revealed that it is actuallty listed somewhere as an additional default library (the linker outputs this when you switch on link progress messages). Searching through the sourcecode for #pragma comment( lib, ... ) and #pragma comment( linker, ... ) directives came up empty as did a search for boost_regex_vc6_mdsd.lib in all sources and headers.
You need to define BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB to suppress auto-linking - it's in the docs BTW :-) John