Thorsten Froehlich wrote:
Good question, I have noticed that not a whole lot is happening with boost threads lately,
True. I've been too busy to do much with Boost.Threads, and while it's possible that I may find more time, I can't promise it. Every time I've hoped I would have more time it hasn't worked out that way. I've had some off-list discussions with Roland, and he has proposed a couple of ideas, but we haven't gone beyond that.
but plenty of features that were once announced never made it.
A lot of possible features were discussed, but I don't think any were announced other than a general plan to complete features started by William Kempf in the thread_dev branch and move them to the main branch. What particular features did you have in mind?
Not to mention the documentation seems to be free of any examples whatsoever.
There have been a lot of complaints about the documentation, but no volunteers to help fix it.
It would be really great if someone with time could pick up boost thread development and documentation again,
If someone with time wants to help with or even take over Boost.Threads development, I'd be glad to talk about it (and offer what help I can). Maybe Roland?
it certainly is a valuable part of boost that could use a lot more attention.
I agree. Mike