Thanks for the hints!
I resolved to use the shared_ptr compiling with a simple Makefile.
Compiling together the given shared_ptr_example.cpp with the
including .hpp files worked well with CC.
So if you need the smart pointer feature, untar the boost_1_30_0.tar
into the /usr/share/src and write a makefile with an iclude path for
this. Run make :)
Best Regards,
--- In Boost-Users@yahoogroups.com, "l@l..."
Hi everybody!
I'm trying to compile the smart_ptr library using the Jamfile in the test directory. Some of the test *.cpp files are compiled successfully, but some of them drops the following error:
sunpro-Link-action ../../../libs/smart_ptr/test/bin/shared_ptr_alloc_ test.test/sunpro/debug/runtime-link-dynamic/shared_ptr_alloc_test Undefined first referenced symbol in file boost::__RTTI__1nFboostPchecked_deleter4nBZ___ /rest/proj/users/kercsoj/boost/boost_1_30_0/libs/s mart_ptr/test/bin/shared_ptr_alloc_test.test/sunpr o/debug/runtime-link-dynamic/ SunWS_cache/CC_obj__/_iANwWXwaw2nbnjBybyL.o [Hint: static member boost::__RTTI__1nFboostPchecked_deleter4nBZ___ must be defined in the program]
It's seems, it is a common error, because it appears several times in the error output of the compiler.
Has anybody any ideea, why this error message comes, and how could be corrected?
Thanks, lalo