"Thorsten Ottosen"
"David Abrahams"
wrote in message news:uis42sxdl.fsf@boost-consulting.com... | "Thorsten Ottosen" writes: | > Can you confirm that this would remove the present problems with gcc? | | I seriously doubt it. The problem is that GCC looks up all names the | same way, even if they're not functions. The only cure is for clients | to isolate types from one another in separate sub-namespaces, and
but we will have boost::end() and boost::mpl::end<>. Shouldn't that be enough?
The problem before was unqualified calls to end() as I understood it. That will not be needed for ADL to kick in anymore.
Weren't you going to have boost::end() find the user's end via ADL? -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com