yunxig wrote:
Dear sir, When I include STLPORT in VS 2005 as follows: VC++ Directories -> Include files ->STLPORT-5.1.2\stlport This "Options" is set in the first line.
However there's compiling errors: boost\include\boost-1_33_1\boost\config\auto_link.hpp(175) : fatal error C1189: #error : "Build options aren't compatible with pre-built libraries".
When I delete STLPORT-5.1.2 from "Options", there's no compiling error. But why?
The error indicates that the project settings are different from those used to build the Boost libraries during installation - typically you are doing a debug build without __STL_DEBUG defined, or a release build with __STL_DEBUG defined (the installed debug lib's would have been built with this define set and need it to be set in your application's debug builds in order to ensure binary compatibility with the lib's you will be linking against). HTH, John.