I face a speed problem. I need a uniform distribution of integers between 0 and N, N around 10^11.
I tried 2 methods with very high speed efficiency difference (time x8). The 1st one is based on uniform_smallint (the slowest method) and the 2nd one is based on a real distribution casted to an
Is there a problem with the 2nd method which is much quicker?
common code:
typedef boost::mt19937 base_generator_type;
base_generator_type generator;
generator.seed(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(0))) ;
method 1 (using uniform_smallint):
boost::uniform_smallint uni_dist((uint32_t)0, (uint32_t)10000000000);
boost::variate_generator > uni(&generator, uni_dist);
for (unsigned long k=0 ; k<100000000UL; ++k) uni() ;
method 2 (using uniform_real and casting):
boost::uniform_real<double> uni_dist(0., 100000000001.);
boost::variate_generator uni(&generator, uni_dist);
for (unsigned long k=0 ; k<100000000UL; ++k) (uint32_t)uni() ;
F. Bron
Frédéric Bron (frederic.bron@alcan.com)
Unité ALT, Alcan CRV, BP 27, 38341 Voreppe
téléphone : +33 4 76 57 81 72
télécopie : +33 4 76 57 80 99
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