Hi Daniel, thank you very much for testing it. It's great that it works for you. Could you please tell me how you built boost? It seems you are using the i386 architecture. Is your boost build a universal build, i.e. will the programs run on PowerPC as well? The problem for me is that I do not have a PowerPC based system, so I cannot build boost on a PowerPC and on an i386 system and copy them to a universal build - instead I need to compile both on the i386 system. The way I tried to do this, although as documented, seems to break the exception support. Maybe we can find a way to merge the way you are building boost with the additional options needed for a universal build. Thanks again, Lothar Daniel Lord wrote:
It worked fine for me:
[09:46:50] daniello@Mercury ~/Documents/Development/Study/Xcode-Boost/BoostExceptionTest $uname -a Darwin dhcp-2op9-2op10-east-130-35-99-215.usdhcp.oraclecorp.com http://dhcp-2op9-2op10-east-130-35-99-215.usdhcp.oraclecorp.com 9.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Tue Feb 5 16:13:22 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.3.13~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 [09:46:57] daniello@Mercury ~/Documents/Development/Study/Xcode-Boost/BoostExceptionTest $./BoostExceptionTest /fake This is never printed on MacOS 10.5.
On 2/26/08, *Lothar May*
mailto:boost@lotharmay.de> wrote: Hi Daniel,
compiling boost is successful on my system, too. Are boost exceptions caught using your build? Is your build universal?
> I missed the thread on this, but I'll help you out if I can--just > bring me up to speed.
Sample test code is this:
--cut here--
#include <iostream> #include
using namespace std; using namespace boost::filesystem;
int main() { try { directory_iterator i("does_not_exist"); } catch(...) { cout << "This is never printed on MacOS 10.5." << endl; } return 0; }
--cut here--
Best regards,
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