Hi, mongo-cxx-driver notices this: "Important note about C++11/C++14: The boost libraries do not offer a stable ABI across different versions of the C++ standard. As a result, you must ensure that your application, the C++ driver, and boost are all built with the same language standard. In particular, if you are building the C++ driver with C++11 enabled, you must also build your application with C++11 enabled, and link against a C++11 compiled boost. " [1] Is it true? What changes with new standard? (or is this only related to ABI change in gcc introduced by c++11?) I'm interested mainly in libraries: filesystem, chrono, thread, system and regex Thanks, Marek [1] http://mongodb.github.io/mongo-cxx-driver/legacy-v1/installation/#s cons-options-when-compiling-the-c-driver