Discovery Options] I accepted the configuration (Debug [Active]) and selected the tool (GCC C++ Compiler). Down near the bottom of the pane is a field titled "Compiler invocation arguments". To the text that was already
I had the same problem with the same error messages when trying to compile the first sample program from the Boost getting-started tutorial in Eclipse using the MinGW GNU g++ compiler in Microsoft Windows. I finally found an explanation of what's going on at the MinGW website posting "HOWTO Specify the Header File Include Path for use with MinGW Compilers" at http://www.mingw.org/wiki/IncludePathHOWTO . It turns out that MinGW doesn't read the Windows "Include" environment variable. You have to specify the boost home directory using one of the ways described in the section "Including Headers from Directories which are Not Searched by Default" which is about two-thirds of the way down the page. In my case, I opened up the Properties window for my project, then went to [C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols], where I found a tab labeled [Includes]. I clicked on the language I'm using (GNU C++), then the [Add..] on the right side of the pane. There, I entered the directory name (on my system, it is C:\Programm Files\Boost_1_53_0 ). After I did that, things went more smoothly, but I still got one more error message. A compilation message popped up (generated by the source code, not the compiler itself) explaining that the Boost library required another setting on the command line (either " -std=c++11" or " -std=gnu++11"). Back in the Properties window, this time under [C/C++ Build there I appended " -std=gnu++11" (or maybe it was " -std=c++11" ? They're both there now.) I hope this helps! Richard Daehler-Wilking -- View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/can-t-get-first-example-in-boost-tutorial... Sent from the Boost - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.