On Fri, 11 Dec 2009, Damien Maupu wrote:
Dear all,
First Hello. Then does anybody knows how the a star search works for implicit graph? There is little information on the Internet.
I found a pdf: A* Graph Search Within the BGL Framework http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~beevek/research/astar_bgl04.pdf
But I wasn't able to run the implicit graph example because I am missing: #include
and #include "test-astar-visitors.hpp" #include "test-astar-accept.hpp" In the online doc: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/libs/graph/doc/astar_search.html It is said to use astar_search_no_init but I don't know how.
Any clues?
There is an example of A* search at
but it uses the version with initialization. Does your graph have an
infinite or unknown number of vertices? If so, use the _no_init version
by swapping the color and index_map arguments and providing your own color
map. You can use