On 01/07/2017 07:24, easior via Boost-users wrote:
Hi, all in the list.
I plan to build boost documentation in pdf format for latest version of boost.However, it's no luck to me even following the link: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/doc/html/boostbook/getting/started.html. I can only find HTML formatted documentation for boost. I don't know what aboutthe relationship between boost and doxygen. I also have no idea about themechanism of the boostbook.
As the person who used to build said PDF documentation, I confess to having dropped the ball on that :( There are quite a few tools you need to install before you can transform docbook to PDF, the details are here: https://svn.boost.org/trac10/wiki/BoostDocs/GettingStarted Then there is a test to check your toolchain under boost-root/doc/test. To build everything, you need to invoke the Jamfile under doc/pdf. Unfortunately, this is likely to be hopelessly out of date - I'll see if I get that working again... John. --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. http://www.avg.com