Hi Steven, And thanks for the reply. Like I said, we assume that there is a subtle error in our implementation of the (derived) classes. Generally speaking we would have the following structure: Axis [pure virtual, abstract] { } AxisBase : public Axis [abstract due to a few functions, Could that be an issue???] { } AxisAlpha : public AxisBase [actual implementations] { } On another note: All of this is legacy code so I can't really mess around to much with it or post complete parts - not that I think it would really help. Again I was just looking for maybe another hint on 'how' to proceed and maybe leverage certain tricks in BOOST or VS2008 that I don't know yet :) In any case thanks a lot again for even reading this gibberish! A full error message would be: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [...]\boost\concept_check.hpp(250) : error C2259: 'MotionControl::Axis': cannot instantiate abstract class due to following members: 'MotionControl::MoCon &MotionControl::Axis::MoCon(void)' : is abstract [...]\main\applications\motion\axis.hpp(75) : see declaration of 'MotionControl::Axis::MoCon' 'boost::shared_ptr<T> MotionControl::Axis::Motor(unsigned int)' : is abstract with [ T=MotionControl::Motor ] [...]\main\applications\motion\axis.hpp(81) : see declaration of 'MotionControl::Axis::Motor' 'const MotionControl::MotorIdList &MotionControl::Axis::MotorIdList(void)' : is abstract [...]\main\applications\motion\axis.hpp(86) : see declaration of 'MotionControl::Axis::MotorIdList' 'const MotionControl::MotorList &MotionControl::Axis::MotorList(void)' : is abstract [...]\main\applications\motion\axis.hpp(91) : see declaration of 'MotionControl::Axis::MotorList' 'unsigned int MotionControl::Axis::Info(MotionControl::Info &)' : is abstract [...]\main\applications\motion\axis.hpp(99) : see declaration of 'MotionControl::Axis::Info' 'bool MotionControl::Axis::InfoMotor(MotionControl::Info &,unsigned int)' : is abstract [...]\main\applications\motion\axis.hpp(106) : see declaration of 'MotionControl::Axis::InfoMotor' 'MotionControl::Status MotionControl::Axis::SetPosition(MotionControl::Parameter::PositionTarget::value_type)' : is abstract [...]\main\applications\motion\axis.hpp(123) : see declaration of 'MotionControl::Axis::SetPosition' [...]\include\dataobject.h(747) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::CopyConstructibleConcept<TT>' being compiled with [ TT=MotionControl::Axis ] [...]\include\dataobject.h(1444) : see reference to class template instantiation 'Data<_type>' being compiled with [ _type=MotionControl::Axis ] [...]\include\propertycontainer.h(1159) : see reference to function template instantiation 'DataObjectPtr CreateDataObjectMotionControl::Axis(boost::shared_ptr<T>)' being compiled with [ T=MotionControl::Axis ] [...]\main\applications\stage\stagemotion.cxx(4922) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void PropertyContainer::UpdatePropertyStageControl::StageMotionProperty::AxisOptics(const StageControl::StageMotionProperty::AxisOptics::value_type &,bool)' being compiled ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 3/13/2009 1:50 PM, Steven Watanabe wrote:
Tobias Alte wrote:
After switching from BOOST 1.33.0 to 1.34.1 (and also from VS2005 -> VS2008) we got a couple of problems with "cannot instantiate abstract class" errors.
The application compiles fine in the setup VS2005 + BOOST 1.33.0 but suddenly started to throw a couple of "cannot instantiate abstract class" errors when using VS2008 + BOOST 1.34.1 .
The errors itself get reported for 'concept_check.hpp' but that header did not change between the two BOOST releases (as far as I know - I think I made a diff with no results).
I believe that the issue is most likely related to the boost::shared_ptr's to templated classes in our code.
I already solved a few of these errors that arose thanks to slightly different types in the method definitions thanks to VS2008 having more built in types.
However, the current "cannot instantiate abstract class" errors are persistently eluding my grasp. And the compiler is not helpful with just reporting the error in 'concept_check.hpp' and not where it really is.
Can you post the full error message?
In Christ, Steven Watanabe