[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
boost-users <at> lists.boost.org spake the secret code
thusly: A global fixture seems like a more appropriate solution than implementing main().
BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXTURE http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/test/doc/html/utf/user-
A global fixture doesn't work quite the way you think it does. It is possible for test cases to execute before your global fixture has been instantiated.
No. It is not.
That is, a global fixture is only "global" for a single translation unit and not multiple translation units.
No. This is not true. Global fixture is indeed global and is executed once per test module regardless which test file it is defined in. And it is done before the testing begins. I'd appreciate if you do not mislead the users with information you are not sure about.