Hi! first, I'd like to focus on Boost 1.54. The documentation of boost::container::vector::resize(size_type) says the elements are *default constructed* [1]. The same applies to the respective constructor: boost::container::vector(size_type n). This is a significant deviation from what C++11 std::vector::resize(size_type) does as it *value-initializes* the new elements. Is the documentation of Boost.Container wrong in this case? Or the behavior of the container differs from the one defined by the standard? On the other hand in Boost 1.55 I see some changes related to the way elements are constructed (not mentioned in the release note). A new constructor and resize() method were added taking default_init_t to indicate default construction of new elements is desired. However, the documentation of boost::container::resize(size_type new_size, default_init_t) says the new elements are value initialized [2]. Note that the documentation of the respective constructor is correct and says the elements are default constructed. I also assume that the addition of the new constructor/resize method changed the behavior of the original constructor/resize method to be compliant with std::vector. Finally, @Ion: thanks for your good work on this library. I use it more and more often as it provides great features, useful especially in C++03 environments. If you want me to file any tickets on the above-mentioned issues please just say so. WBR, Adam Romanek [1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/doc/html/boost/container/vector.html#id... [2] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/vector.html#idp20954152-bb