Matías Nicolás Bossa
Ok, I had done it, but when I've tried to compile the other library (bayes++), after setting
and all the others variables, bjam gave errors like these:
...found 2806 targets... ...updating 38 targets... borland-C++-action target\BayesFilter\bin\libBayesFilter.lib\borland\debug\runtime-link-dynamic\bayesFlt.obj BayesFilter\bayesFlt.cpp: Error E2299 BayesFilter\uBLASmatrix.hpp 117: Cannot generate template specialization from 'boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_row<M>' Error E2040 BayesFilter\uBLASmatrix.hpp 117: Declaration terminated incorrectly Error E2299 BayesFilter\uBLASmatrix.hpp 118: Cannot generate template specialization from 'boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_row<M>' Error E2040 BayesFilter\uBLASmatrix.hpp 118: Declaration terminated incorrectly Error E2299 BayesFilter\uBLASmatrix.hpp 119: Cannot generate template specialization from 'boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_column<M>' Error E2228 BayesFilter\uBLASmatrix.hpp 119: Too many error or warning messages *** 6 errors in Compile ***
I guess that is missing some variable that needs bjam, but I couldn't find which,
Well, you should probably be asking the Bayes++ people, but first, are you sure Bayes++ and uBlas work with Borland? -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com