Hi, I want to use boost::shared_ptr with boost::signal. class A { private: int _i; public: A() : _i( 0) {} void operator()( int, std::string & s) { i+= 1; } void operator()( std::string & s, int) { i+= 2; } }; boost::shared_ptr< A > a( new A() ); boost::signal< void( int, std::string &) > rsig; boost::singal< void( std::string &, int) > lsig; rsig.connect( a); lsig.connect( a); rsig(0,"called from right side"); lsig("called from left side",0); Because a is a smart_ptr this code would not compile because operator() is not a member function. If I dereference the smart pointer when I connect to signal, changes of a are never know by the other signal instance. Maybe I can use a proxy class which aggregates the smart pointer but maybe there is a better solution?! with best regards, Oliver -- "Der Spezialist ist ein Barbar, dessen Unwissenheit nicht allumfassend ist." Master's Voice, S.LEM