Hi, I have the following type of functions in a class say "MyClass", which I have exported to python. 1) func1(long *plong) 2) func2(TempClass **pptempclass) (where TempClass is some other class) Now, I exported these using the following: .def("func1", &MyClass::func1) .def("func2", &MyClass::func2) and it compiled well. But now when I try to use them in a python script, I have no clue as to how I create and pass: 1) a long pointer as argument to func1 2) a double pointer to TempClass as argument to func2 How do I achieve this behaviour? 1) Do I have to wrap the above functions> If yes, then how? How will they be used in python then? OR 2) I can still use the same functions in python but then how to create (instantiate and initialize) the above pointers in python? Thanks, Mayank