6 Jul
6 Jul
5:40 a.m.
2016-07-05 20:36 GMT+02:00 Michael Steinberg
a) not documented
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/libs/coroutine2/doc/html/coroutine2/cor... 'Code executed by *coroutine-function* must not prevent the propagation of the *detail::forced_unwind* exception. Absorbing that exception will cause stack unwinding to fail. Thus, any code that catches all exceptions must re-throw any pending *detail::forced_unwind* exception.'
b) the exception is defined in the detail namespace. That means, one has to use a detail-member to rethrow the one exception that has to leave the coroutine client entry function.
do not absorb exception detail::forced_unwind, e.g. do not use 'catch(...)'