I am working on a project of boost unit testing framework using QT creator. I have written a small test program and trying to link "libboost_unit_test_framework-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.lib". This library is present at specified path. But program fails to compile giving said linking error.
I searched on net and found that, error should go with "#define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB". But then, I am getting below error:
Please don't do that - that option is for expert users only and is cunningly designed to allow you to shoot yourself in the foot ;-) There are two possibilities here: 1) You have files with similar names to libboost_unit_test_framework-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.lib, but not *exactly* that one - and yes you really do need the file with exactly that name as different MSVC build options produce binary-incompatible libraries. In this case, please rebuild Boost using "bjam --build-type=complete --with-test" to make sure you get all the possible binaries. And yes this will take a while. 2) You have that file but it's not in your linker's search path - there should be a /LIBPATH=path-to-library-file on the linkers command line. If you're not using the Visual Studio IDE then you will need to check your IDE's documentation for help in setting that. HTH, john.