On 1/14/19 12:50 AM, Carel Combrink via Boost-users wrote:
Stephane Watanabe can likely give a better answer. But I'm going to take a shot anyhow. Note I made a presentation at CppCon 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qphj8ZuZlPA&t=4s The slides and demo code are available at http://www.rrsd.com/software_development/boost/CPPCon2015/CPPCon2015.zip
I have two unit quantities defined as follow: static const auto Hz = boost::units::si::hertz; using Hertz = boost::units::quantity
On the wrong track here. Make a clearer distinction between quantities, dimensions and and units. Also, I strongly recommend against using auto in cases like this. It's by explicitly specifying the types which leads one to understand where he has made an error in units/quantities/dimensions. Robert Ramey