All, I've been ripping out my hair all day, and I can't seem to determine a straight answer from the Googles. Can I link _multiple_ boost unit test dynamic libraries into a single binary and have all of them detected? For instance... src lib liba foo.cpp liba_unittests.cpp libb bar.cpp libb_unittests.cpp libd baz.cpp libd_unittests.cpp lib liba.so liba_ut.so libb.so libb_ut.so libd.so libd_ut.so bin ut unittest_driver When I build this infrastructure out, everything compiles. I've checked the compilation command and it looks like everything is on the command line, but there's explicit indication that unittest_driver actually read or linked any of the lib*_ut.so files. If I make individual unit test drivers in, say, liba, the driver works fine. If I link everything into a single unittest_driver binary, I keep getting the dreaded empty test tree. I have -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK set in my CXXFLAGS so that shouldn't be the problem. And I only have BOOST_TEST_MAIN set in the driver; still no joy. Any help (or a definitive, "no you idiot, you can't do that!") would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. -RMH