At Wednesday 2005-03-30 22:48, you wrote:
I'm trying to build boost using VC++ 7.1 against STLport 5.0 rc2. The very first library that is built is boost_date_time.dll and the compiler chokes on greg_month.cpp. The full bjam output is at the end of the message.
Some background info, that may be useful: - I can successfully build boost without STLport using this this command: bjam "-sTOOLS=vc-7_1" "-sBUILD=debug release <runtime-link>dynamic <threading>multi" --prefix=..\boost --builddir=..\boost-obj install - when using STLport I build using: bjam "-sTOOLS=vc-7_1-stlport" "-sSTLPORT_PATH=..\STLport\stlport" "-sBUILD=debug release <runtime-link>dynamic <threading>multi" --prefix=..\boost --builddir=..\boost-obj install - if I let the building process continue, it builds about 60% of all libraries - I need to use STLport5 because it supports VC++ 7.1 out of the box - I've tried building CVS/HEAD version of boost as well as the latest released version 1.32
So, has anybody tried building this combination?
I'm curious, why do you need to use STLport at all? The one that comes with 7.1 seems to be working rather well "out of the box" (see the regressions run by RudbekAssociates (that's me)).
Thanks in advance. Here is the full output. Oleg.
Victor A. Wagner Jr. The five most dangerous words in the English language: "There oughta be a law"