Jens Seidel
Please use the C++ compiler "g++" instead of the C compiler "gcc".
Whoops. Somewhere between my first post and my second post I began using the gcc command instead of the g++ command. The program compiles fine when I use the command: g++-I /usr/local/boost_1_34_1 prog1.cpp
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
Ah, OK, now the compiler error vanished as the compiler is able to find the header files of boost.
[The following can probably be ignored as I missed at the beginning the you used the C compiler. Nevertheless you may find the next usful in you later steps:]
Now the linker complains about symbols (such as functions) defined in a Boost library which you have to link against.
You need for linking the additional options -L /usr/local/boost_1_34_1/lib/ (to specify the library search path) -l boost??? (to specify the library)
Sorry, I do not remember the library name which contains lambda. Just look into your /usr/local/boost_1_34_1/ for available dynamic lib/libboost*.so or lib/libboost*.a static libraries and choose the right one (without lib prefix or .so or a suffix).
Please note that this kind of question indicate that you are not very familiar with a C++ compiler.
You are right. I am not familiar with the gcc compilers. I've used MS VC++6 for about 10 years to write and compile C++ programs, but I recently switched from windows to a mac. Mac's have an IDE called Xcode for writing and compiling C++ programs, and that's what I've been using recently.
That's not a problem but please try to find such answers yourself by following more basic C++/g++ tutorials.
Starting with a simple "Hello world" program is typically the first step.
I can compile a 'hello' world problem using the command line, but that's about it.