Amerio wrote:
I'm lacking a boost semaphore, so I tried to roll my own. Being carefull with threads, I present here my version, hoping you gurus will spot any flaw.
class sem { sem(unsigned count): m_count(count) {}
void post() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex); ++m_count; m_cond_.notify_one(); }
void wait() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex); while ( m_count==0 ) m_cond.wait( lock ); --m_count; }
private: unsigned m_count; boost::mutex m_mutex; boost::condition m_cond; };
Objective : I need a semaphore to sync many readers to a single input queue. If you know another implementation or solution to this specific problem, your help is welcome.
Looks almost correct. But as you likely will have multiple waiters, I suggest using m_cond_.notify_all() instead. You might also consider to obtain a book on pthreads (if you do not already own), where you will find that the semaphore is just a special case of (condvar, mutex, predicate) triple. I also recommend to look at the "condvar" example of boost.thread, which shows a simple queue implementation (albeit for single reader/writer). Roland