El 19/09/2016 a las 11:29, Ram escribió:
When I try to create a object of this,
typedef boost::multi_index_container< ClassX*,//mapped value boost::multi_index::indexed_by/list of indices boost::multi_index::hashed_unique< boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
//hashed index by unique Key1 , boost::multi_index::hashed_unique< boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
//hashed index by unique Key1 ClassXMultiKeyIndexed;
like, ClassXMultiKeyIndexed sample;
and insert a pointer like this,
ClassX *a; ClassXMultiKeyIndexed sample;
//a is not NULL and is filled up before the below insert sample.insert(a);
This is the compilation error, it compiles fine if "sample.insert(a)" is commented out.
Compilation error :
Compiling... stm_container_manager_abc.cpp c:\code\common\lib\boost\boost\detail\allocator_utilities.hpp(153) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'p' c:\code\common\lib\boost\boost\multi_index\detail\index_base.hpp(105) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void boost::detail::allocator::construct
(void *,const Type &)' being compiled with [ Type=Container * ] [...]
The problem is not apparent to me from the contextual info you're providing, what I see seems basically correct but surely some detail is missing. A problem with your post is that you're providing a modified version of the real code (for instance, where you say ClassX your code is actually dealing with a class called Container) and information is probably lost in translation. I've turned your sample code into a complete test program: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/b63feba754f81f67 that compiles and run without problem. You might want to: 1. See if this same test program works OK in your environment. 2. Compare with your real code and try to spot a significant difference. 3. Turn your real code into a complete test program showing the error that the rest here at the list can check locally and investigate. Joaquín M López Muñoz