AMDG On 10/23/2012 11:03 AM, Gottlob Frege wrote:
I work for RIM (ie BlackBerry), and am trying to make using boost as easy as possible to use for BB developers. So I would like to make building boost for BB as easy as possible. I would also like to make building boost work "as expected" for anyone who understands Boost.Build. It is the "as expected" part that I'm not sure of.
ie should I just offer a blackberry-config.jam? should Boost.Build be changed to auot-detect the BB NDK? should blackberry be a toolset? a target-os? ...?
how would you *expect* it hook into Boost.Build?
I would say that this should be a modification of the qcc toolset to deduce as much as possible. However, I don't really know anything about the compiler: a) What exactly does the setup script do? Normally, I'd expect to be able to write bbndk-env.bat && QCC ... and expect it to work. Does it really just set environment variables that have to be manually passed to the compiler? b) What would be the implications of having using qcc : : : <setup>/path/to/bbndk-env.bat ; Is qcc used for other platforms? If so, do they also have setup scripts? How does the behavior differ?
using qcc # Version :
# C++-compile-command : $(QNX_HOST)/usr/bin/QCC -V$(dashVOpt)
# Compiler options : <compileflags>"-D__QNX__" <compileflags>"-D__QNXNTO__"
Is this really necessary? It would be better to rely on the compiler's built-in macros, if possible. (Even if that means changing the Boost source).
In Christ, Steven Watanabe