23 Oct
23 Oct
6:16 a.m.
On 23/10/2019 09:41, pavel b wrote:
preprocessor/config/limits.hpp limits tuple size to 64 elements. Changing the BOOST_PP_LIMIT_TUPLE in this file seems not to have any effect. Is it possible to increase the maximal tuple size?
If you can use a modern compiler that supports variadic macros (thus BOOST_PP_VARIADICS=1), then AFAIK it should support any size (up to whatever your compiler's limit is). This may require telling your compiler to compile in C++11 or later mode. Alternatively you can try forcing it on by #define BOOST_PP_VARIADICS 1 before including any Boost headers (in all translation units), but this is less preferable. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_68_0/libs/preprocessor/doc/topics/variadic_...