Facing 'such a long toolchain', I was wandering why there's such a grey corner in the boost world. :-) And, meanwhile, I'm humble with lack of the experience of doc-making.
Hearing what you've said, I feel now much more relaxed. :-)
I have experience of Doxygen, Ghostscript(a long time ago), am aware of that MikTeX is an implementaion of the famous system LaTEX by Knuth (or I'm wrong?). But I'm quite unfamilar with other stuffs, such as XSL style sheete, DocBook DTD, Iconv, libXslt, and so much.
Perhaps finally I want to make clear that what raw materials, say scripts in code or elsewhere, through what workflow, are rendered to become a pdf file.
The transforms are:
quickbook -> BoostBook XML Doxygen -> Doxygen XML -> BoostBookXML
BoostBook XML -> Docbook XML
DocBook XML -> HTML DocBook XML -> FO XML -> PDF or PS
It's a big step for me to get this, to depict some of the basic conceptions in my mind. Thanks.
Thanks for your help. And one more question: Is it possible to make _one_ pdf doc file for all of the boost packages by one run? yes or no? :-)
Well if you want it in black and white like that, then no :-(
Haha... :-)
In any case it's unlikely that a build of everything is what you really want: it would be one huge PDF!!!
IMO, that should not be a problem - for example, the doc of pdf format of the CGAL libs is about 3,000 pages. One doc as a whole will facilitate easy seaching of contents of interest. I prefer pdf format, it makes user able to markup.
To build a PDF for library X, then cd into libs/X/doc
I'm not aware of this before. That's why I was bjam'ing in the boost root folder and could not get the desired result. This time I select the ASIO for a trial. Things seems to work well and at last I get " ... updated 187 targets..." I noticed that there created a new html folder under the asio/doc folder, and the boost_1_37_0/bin/v2 also appears, but I just could not find the pdf doc file. Am I still missing anything?
and do a:
bjam pdf
start with something small and easy like static_assert, or else there's a
everything" project in doc/test.
Also note that not all Boost libraries are documented with quickbook/boostbook/docbook so your mileage may vary.
Yes, this is a problem that I might be aware before. But is there a plan to impose more restrict/unified requirements on coding/docing of the libs? With it, more uniform appearance/feeling, as well as higher managability and lower learning curve for user will be colser, I guess. B/Rgds Max