AMDG On 01/22/2018 05:51 AM, Matt Vinson via Boost-users wrote:
Hello - I've been building boost with a script* (via https://studiofreya.com/2017/04/23/building-boost-1-64-with-visual-studio-20...). My Visual C++ project is a static lib so link and runtime-link are static.It's worked for several past build releases. Now with build 1_66, not all x64 libraries are built. There is 74 libraries in the win32 directory and only 27 in the x64. I locate the script using "x64 Native Tools Command Propt for VS2017" I am using Windows7. Any advice is appreciated.Matt
*@echo offrem Directory to boost rootset boost_dir=boost_1_66_0 rem Number of cores to use when building boostset cores=%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% rem What toolset to use when building boost. rem Visual Studio 2012 -> set msvcver=msvc-11.0rem Visual Studio 2013 -> set msvcver=msvc-12.0rem Visual Studio 2015 -> set msvcver=msvc-14.0rem Visual Studio 2017 -> set msvcver=msvc-14.1 set msvcver=msvc-14.1 rem Start building boostecho Building %boost_dir% with %cores% cores using toolset %msvcver%. cd %boost_dir%call bootstrap.bat rem Static librariesb2 -j%cores% toolset=%msvcver% address-model=64 architecture=x86 link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static --build-type=complete stage --stagedir=stage/x64 b2 -j%cores% toolset=%msvcver% address-model=32 architecture=x86 link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static --build-type=complete stage --stagedir=stage/win32
I can't reproduce your problem. Are there any build errors? Which libraries exactly are missing? In Christ, Steven Watanabe