I'm using Boost v1.30.2, Windows XP Pro, MS Visual C++ v7.1. I get a compilation error when > I try to do something like this:
typedef ublas::vector<double> Vector;
Vector a(3); Vector c(3);
a[0] = 1.0; a[1] = 2.0; a[2] = 3.0;
c = a * 100.0; // trouble maker
I can perform other matrix and vector operations. I just get errors when I
I checked your sample with the CVS version and GCC 3.3.2: works for me. This could be a MSVC 7.1 specific problem of 1.30.2. [snip suspicious compiler diagnostics] try to do scalar
multiplies and divides.
I'm unsure, if it is worth the effort to try to fix this (Boost 1.31 release is scheduled for November). Would you like to check out a newer version from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ublas-dev ? Thanks, Joerg