15 Feb
15 Feb
11:29 a.m.
I have tried to build the RegExp3 library... but I get some errors... I'm using Vc++ Net. I execute the command nmake vc7.mak and I get the nexts error results... could someone help me?
You are seeing linker errors from VC.Nets Run time Error checks - the makefile doesn't enable these "as is", so I assume that you have modified the makefile in some way. However even then if I modify the makefile to enable /RTC1 I still don't see any errors, I would guess that your command line environment is messed up somehow: I assume that you have a functioning vcvars32.bat and that you called it to initialise your environment before invoking the makefile? John Maddock http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/john_maddock/index.htm