6 Apr
6 Apr
2:16 a.m.
>> Will you be willing to comply to Boost.Test format or adopt your format >> to >> Boost.Test interfaces? > > Sure ... ? I mean, I didn't see the part of the documentation that > specified > what Boost.Test format was. Perhaps you could be so kind as to point it > out. > Thx. It's not there yet. I just asking to make sure that what I am doing will meet your needs. >> I am not sure how list of tests help you here: are you planning to run > test >> cases by name and want to see what persentage of tests you run? > Two reasons: > 1) I need to collect a report of which tests worked, which failed, and > which > succeeded. Percentage is only useful if 100% pass, otherwise there has to > be > further investigation. Typically our team collects the entire list of > failures and divvies them up every day, so that the failure reports need > to > list the names of the test cases that failed. Run a test program (all test cases) - report will show all test cases that fails (with names) > 2) We need to inventory the testcases so that we know how many there are > and > what they do, in order to assess coverage and compare that to the test > plan. > The gap between the test plan and the current list of testcases is one > measure of how far we have left - sort of a measure of the known unknowns. Set a report level to "detailed". Report will show you every test case with it's status (passes/failed) Note that you could specify report format as XML and use some automation to analize the test report. Also you could write and register your own report formatter. > 3) Being able to list which tests are available would support our current > test infrastructure, which allows you to request a build and then to run a > particular test. That's the only valid point from what I see. >> > - the ability to generate a better error message - ie, include a bit of >> > text >> > about what the test was about. >> >> Why BOOST_..._MESSAGE doesn't work for you? You could also use > BOOST_MESSAGE >> for standalone mesage in test log > > Because I'm stupid? I guess I looked at the parameters of BOOST_TEST and > thought that everything about the reporting the results of the unit test > should be right there. Currently, it looks to me like a message for > reporting an error is formatted to look like a compile error, which is > convenient if you happen to be running the ad-hoc tests from emacs, but > not > particular convenient for generating an overall report of successes or > failures. 1. You could specify XML as an log format and use some automation to get any information you need 2. You could write and register your own log formatter. HTH, Gennadiy