I would like to share my experience with boost when combining with c++11. I
hope it might help someone.
Suppose a simple program:
#include <iostream>
using boost::asio::detail::atomic_count;
struct Test
// Whether the task has been interrupted.
bool task_interrupted_;
// The count of unfinished work.
atomic_count outstanding_work_;
int main ()
std::cout << "Size is " << sizeof(Test) << std::endl;
return 0;
And here is the story:
$ /opt/gcc-4.8.4/bin/g++ -std=c++11 -I /opt/boost-1.58.0/include/ -L
/opt/boost-1.58.0/lib -lboost_system b.cpp
$ ./a.out
Size is 16
$ /opt/gcc-4.8.4/bin/g++ -I /opt/boost-1.58.0/include/ -L
/opt/boost-1.58.0/lib -lboost_system b.cpp
$ ./a.out
Size is 8
It means that c++11 program cannot be linked with boost libraries compiled
without "-std=c++11" option. It was asio in my case and the program was
linked with libboost_log.so.1.58.0.
I would really appreciate a short warning somewhere at "Getting Started on
Unix Variants" page. It may safe someone a few hours of life.
Best Regards,