----- Original Message -----
From: "John Maddock"
basically you want to invoke: bjam --with-regex --build-type=complete stage
[ ... ]
Thanks. I tried that but bjam can't find "windows.h". What do I need to configure / edit to add the appropriate include path?
Nothing to do with bjam: that would be the Visual C++ command line tool not being configured correctly - try adding the include path to the Windows SDK headers to your vcvars32.bat file, you might have to update the library search path in there as well.
Okay, I just got around to doing that. AFAICT bjam actually calls'VC\vcvarsall.bat', passing it the parameter "x86". This in turn, calls 'VC\bin\vcvars32.bat'. Unfortunately, bjam directs the output of that call to nul - so I can't tell whether vcvars.bat is executing correctly. But I assume not, because I still get the error 'Cannot open windows.h'. How do I stop bjam from directing the batch file output to nul? John