"Brewer, Christopher"
Oops, sorry, Ben and Heinquoi- that was a typo :P What I *meant* to say was:
Starting bjam with: bjam -sTOOLS=mingw install causes bjam to invoke VC7 instead of gcc. Same thing if quotes are used (as described in the documentation: bjam "-sTOOLS=mingw" install
I ran it again, making sure that I actually used -sTOOLS and not -sTOOL, and I still see the described behavior.
Again, this is using boost 1.31.0, msys and mingw on Windows 2000, and a prebuilt version of bjam recently downloaded from sourceforge.
Anyone have any ideas how to make bjam (properly) invoke gcc?
This is *very* strange. You appear to be doing everything right. Could you please enter the following lines: bjam -f- "-sTOOLS=mingw" install ECHO $(TOOLS) ; ^Z Note the space before the semicolon. ^Z means control-Z on your keyboard. Post the output here. Also do: bjam -d+5 "-sTOOLS=mingw" install > bug.out and then *compress* bug.out and post it on some FTP site or web page and tell us where to get it. If you can't make it available for download, please email the result to me privately (compressed). -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting http://www.boost-consulting.com