"John Maddock"
If John could explain what the problem is (he mentioned absolute paths, but Boost.Build doesn't really use absolute paths so I'm still a bit confused), maybe a small tweak could be applied to fix it up.
I don't think that a small tweak will be enough:
bjam -sTOOLS=borland -d2 regex ...found 526 targets... ...updating 83 targets... MkDir1 ../libs/regex/build/bin/libboost_regex.a/borland
mkdir ../libs/regex/build/bin/libboost_regex.a/borland
MkDir1 ../libs/regex/build/bin/libboost_regex.a/borland/debug
mkdir ../libs/regex/build/bin/libboost_regex.a/borland/debug
MkDir1 ../libs/regex/build/bin/libboost_regex.a/borland/debug/runtime-link-dynamic
mkdir ../libs/regex/build/bin/libboost_regex.a/borland/debug/runtime-link-dynamic
borland-C++-action ../libs/regex/build/bin/libboost_regex.a/borland/debug/runtime-link-dynamic/ c_regex_traits.o
"bcc32" -j5 -q -c -P -w -Ve -Vx -a8 -DBOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB=1 -DBOOST_REGEX_S TATIC_LINK=1 -v -Od -vi- -tWC -tWR -WC -WM- -w-8001 -I"../libs/regex/buil d" -I"/cygdrive/d/boost/develop/boost" -o"../libs/regex/build/bin/libboost _regex.a/borland/debug/runtime-link-dynamic/c_regex_traits.o" "../libs/regex/build/../src/c_regex_traits.cpp"
../libs/regex/build/../src/c_regex_traits.cpp: Error E2209 ../libs/regex/build/../src/c_regex_traits.cpp 25: Unable to open inc lude file 'boost/config.hpp' ...interrupted ...updated 3 targets...
There are two issues here: the boost include path is always an absolute /cygdrive/d/.. path whatever I do with BOOST_ROOT,
You shouldn't be touching BOOST_ROOT. Where does this /cygdrive/d/ business come from? When I build using a cygwin bjam there are no absolute paths.
and the SUFOBJ SUFLIB etc are all set wrong.
That's easy enough to work around on the command-line with -sSUFOBJ=.obj -sSUFLIB=.lib Or you can do it in the environment. -- David Abrahams dave@boost-consulting.com * http://www.boost-consulting.com Building C/C++ Extensions for Python: Dec 9-11, Austin, TX http://www.enthought.com/training/building_extensions.html