On 25/08/2015 11:52, Ross Kynch wrote:
Dear all,
Does anyone know how to call boost's modified bessel function of the first kind using a complex argument?
Specifically I want the positive half integer order with complex argument so I use:
std::complex<double> output = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(double nhalf, std::complex<double> x);
but this gives me a huge list of compiler errors which seems to suggest the std::complex<double> template isn't valid. I am able to call other boost math library functions so I don't believe my install is to blame here.
Currently none of the special functions, including the Bessel functions, are enabled for complex arguments. At least some of the internal implementation is certainly capable of handling complex arguments *in theory*, in practice, testing and validating that is distinctly non-trivial so has never been enabled. Sorry! John.