Hello : I have a question about boost::filesystem::path. My frustration level is growing quickly because I'm getting exceptions when constructing paths such as these : boostfs::path searchPath( "d:/temp", boostfs::native ); boostfs::path searchPath( "d:/temp" ); boostfs::path searchPath( "d:\\temp", boostfs::native ); boostfs::path searchPath( "d:\\temp" ); Looking at the boost test files [at least some of] these appear to be valid. The key seems to be in the method windows_name(...) in path_posix_windows.cpp. This method searches through the array invalid_chars[] which contains "<>:\"/\\|" ... hence the reason why "d:" causes a failure? I've rebuilt the source from the bjam files, tried compiling them into my own code, compiled as a dll etc. to no avail ... Could someone shed some light on this problem before I go even crazier? Thank you kindly in advance; Steve a.